Thursday 30 June 2011

Day 30

Strangely enjoying my evening meal - probably because it requires the minimum effort to make and eat. For the veg snack I just shove a wedge of pumpkin in the oven. I'm so knackered at the moment its a joy to do almost nothing in the evening.
Have hurt my ankle,  I think from skipping, so am now sporting some nice footwear like Ines. And not her Manolos...
Pete has suggested I take it easy tomorrow and not skip - he just wants to get fitter than me - I know the way his mind works.
Oh - and the chest dips.....what the f***...they were a nasty surprise


  1. I had no chance on the chest dips either. It was all a bit tragic.

    Pumpkin wedge - sounds like a plan. Tonight I had corn on the cob and some left over potato. Starchy but yum.

  2. Yeah, chest dips my ar$e, still ya lookin' good girl in your photos- look at that ab defintion!

    And I hope you haven't caught my elephantitus? I hear with all this skipping, its quite contagious. Don't push it girl, or else you may end up out of action and fkcing miserable for a week....

  3. good luck Mandy for school holidays... as of today, we also have two at home, so the challenge increases !

  4. Feel for you Mandy I'm incapable of skipping too cos my Achilles is injured. V v pissed off as I could feel the fat burn away from the skips.
