Thursday 2 June 2011

Day 3

Ouch, I'm so sore - I was really dreading the push ups today as my chest hurts even when I'm not doing anything! Washing my hair could be a problem, I'm not sure I can lift my arms that high. So, exercises done for the day. Had a bit of a problem with the skipping rope getting tangled with my headphone cable - thankfully I was at home so nobody saw me making a total fool of myself. Last nights meal definitely looked bigger to me on the kids plates but still went to bed hungry. Fruit teas are my new friend. About to weigh out my 15g of porridge, it hardly seems worth the effort of making it. Still struggling at the kids dinner time as cooking them a meal when hungry is torture - usually I help myself to some. A big thanks to Pete for my new nano - it made me a bit more motivated and I'm certainly more awake. Good luck for tomorrow everyone...isnt that day we are supposed to feel really hungry?? Worse than we do already??!!! Help.....

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