Saturday 25 June 2011


Just as well I can have a glass of wine today because I have some serious anger issues again today. I shall use the bottle afterwards to wrap round Petes head. I know he will bitch about me on his blog today but he has been so inconsiderate. I have spent the whole afternoon picking up after him and the 2 kids. I sort of understand it with them as they are 5 & 3 but at 41 he should know better. Yet another kids party this morning - thats 3 in 2 weekends - and this morning the homemade sausage rolls & brownies were shouting my name as I walked past. I made do with a cup of coffee and my weighed out fruit that I took with me. Didnt work out until 4.30 again which mentally takes it toll but it was probably a good thing so I could work some on the rage off.  The floorjumps -  the first 3 I thought 'whats the big deal' - by number 10 I was cursing and swearing again.  Vsits - no control and felt I was throwing my upper body up and down. Today I have bloody well earned my glass (or 2) of Cloudy Bay which will go lovely with Shaonas tandoori chicken. Thanks Shaona & Patrick for making it seem like a pre PCP weekend. Pete - dont push your luck or I'm off to CL!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear I am not the only angry one. Have stopped picking up after the kids the past few weeks (they're a little older though) and just put all their junk on the stairs and threaten to throw it away. I am glad all my neighbours are Japanese as I was swearing like a trooper at the exercises too. Dreading todays creeping.
