Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 29

Well you can call me a lazy b*itch, but I enjoyed sitting down to some fruit & milk for dinner. AND minimum washing up....
I've been very tired and hungry the last few days and my enthusiasm is waning a bit. Its that poxy I want MORE!!!!!!!! Have had LOTS of coffee to get me through. Just as well its decaf or I'd be off my head!


  1. I really enjoyed dinner tonight too.

    I stayed up after that to make my protein for my next few lunches plus a huge salad stash. So I am set for the next 3 days.

  2. I'm with you on the enthusiasm part- and I can't relate to all the food question threads...think I'm a bit bored generally......

  3. Even i enjoyed my dinner tonite..Seriously, minimal work...Hope this diet continues atleast for a while :)
