Wednesday 1 June 2011

Day 2

Another night of weird dreams. This one was all about me obsessing with half measures of food...yesterdays was all about skipping! I hope I get back to a normal nights sleep once my body is not fearful of whats coming next. So, have completed todays exercises. Chest sore from yesterdays push ups but I still managed max reps of everything and even 2 sets of skipping without tripping over the rope!! According to my 5 year old I am better at skipping than Daddy ( Peter C) - he is rubbish ( sons words not mine) 
Last night I prepared 1 meal and we split it. To convince ourselves it was a larger meal we ate it off the kids Bob the Builder plates. The hardest bit of the food part was not finishing off the kids leftovers as usual. And they had Spaghetti Carbonara :(

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