Friday 10 June 2011

Day 11

Another boring blog. Exercises done for the day. Got myself a skipping rope with a counter - what a relief not to tax my brain with the counting. Now I can mindlessly watch crap tv while doing my exercises.  Even though I have weighed out the cooked chicken, washed and chopped the salad and put it all in tupperware, Pete still asked me to do his lunch???!!! Am feeling a bit short tempered. The kids are climbing the walls and I'm about to explode. This will not be helped at the supermarket as my local one is shitetastic. You may see me on the front page of the South China - Crazed woman goes mad in veg department...


  1. Hey Amanda. I think that anyone who has small kids and also tries to do PCP correctly should get an extra reward. It's tough looking after small kids and it's only till you have your own that you will understand. Part of my reason for doing PCP was for my kids. To live longer and be more fun with them as physically I could have done more with them. Just remember that when you're running around looking after your sprogs, you are burning calories! Good luck

  2. Sometimes its like having 3 kids with Pete around :)

  3. I can barely look after myself, let alone think about kids or a worthless spouse - I mean fellow hard-working PCPer - who can't make their own damned lunch.

    Keep your eyes on the prize (or some other motivational slogan - I'm new to this too).

  4. Seriously, you should surely get an extra reward..
