Friday 17 June 2011

Day 17

Yaay I have my mojo back!! 320 skips in one go. Ok, so not as good as the other day but a huge improvement on the last 2 days for sure. Exercises went quickly today, thankfully. I find it hard to be enthused about exercise but I'm liking the results. My weight might be the same as last weeks weigh in but my spare tyre is slowly deflating. I'm itching to shop - but guess no point now as I'm going to look like Wonderwoman at the end of this right...right??!!!!


  1. RIGHT! (as Patrick would say in all-caps). 320 skips? That still beats my record by about 220, so you're doing fantastic.

    I dunno why your comment on my blog disappeared, but thanks for putting my Friday night in perspective. I hope he's no being too moany.

  2. Way to go Skip Master! I haven't gotten over 100 in a row. I've had the urge to shop too but I know we'll just have to go out again and get smaller sizes in a few weeks so why bother.

  3. Yes, yes, yes, you will look absolutely amazing. I did give in to the urge and got some halter maxi dresses from Victoria Secret that will still look good after transformation. Plus I wanted to feel better in the process.....

  4. Impressed on the skipping. I'm going backwards with it sadly.Lane Crawford sale starts soon!
