Sunday 19 June 2011

Day 19

Right, I have to stand up and say it. My name's Mandy and I ate a piece of cake today.  It was my sons 3rd birthday party and I didn't cave once at the party. However when I got to clearing up, I licked the icing off my fingers and thought, f*** it I'm having a piece of this cake. So I did. There, all out in the open.
Still have the exercises to do but that will have to wait until kids are in bed as they are far too interested in playing with the resistance bands etc and I dont need them hurting themselves or looking like freaky little Arnies. Have at least done the skipping, and now I'm about to do some boasting...I did it in my least amount of stops - 121, 584, 856, 1024!! My calves dont half hurt......flat shoes for a few days....


  1. Awesome skipping! Don't beat yourself up about the cake! It aint gonna do any harm! We've all probably had our little some perhaps more than others...

  2. I'm most impressed that you ended on a power of 2. You've hit the 10,000,000,000 (binary) skip mark!

  3. Wait so you skipped from 121-584-856 without stopping at all? That is amazing! What's your secret? Are you jumping with 2 feet at the same time? I need help on the jumps.

  4. You gotta be real careful with your psychology at this moment. Watch how much stronger cravings and rationalizations become if your resolve has cracked once! Fascinating stuff!

  5. It's gone straight onto your hips!

  6. We forgive you ! Kids birthday is the event of the year. Seems like you are the Puckster skipping guru !! Go girl....
