Saturday 18 June 2011

Day 18

So, its the weekend and we are both at home to exercise - I thought I should show Pete how its really done :) I think I impressed him with my tricep dips.
Had my first real food/drink test this afternoon. Kids party - mums on the sparkling wine and lots of birthday cake left over. Probably because I wasn't scoffing it all this time!! I took my bottle of water and my fruit - everyone asked what I was doing and I started on my PCP pitch.. is everyone a bore about PCP or is it just Pete and myself? Having been an exercise dodger most of my adult life I now have the cult fever for PCP.
Even though my stomach looks much flatter I am still resembling the last satsuma (mikan) from Xmas - you
know the one...baggy wrinkly old skin.  Still, only 72 days to go.........
My workout today was to The Jacksons singing "Can you feel it" ( showing my age!)...on that last set of leg Patrick would say...OH YEAH


  1. Good for you.. yes, I did a kids' birthday party last week and it's not easy. No stress about the satsuma (naartjie in SA) - you look great AND you have had the courage to put up the bikini shots. I am impressed.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. I haven't faced a kids party yet and aim to avoid at all possible. But must be nice to be doing it with your husband though as you have an inbuilt support right there. My husband couldn't understand why I was so upset when he e-mailed me to say he was drinking champagne to celebrate his office move. You look great and it will all come, just slowly probably. I have the same issue and was wondering also about when the back of my legs would smooth out.
