Friday 1 July 2011

Day 31

So with my ankle strapped I decided not to skip today. Its the 1st time I've missed any of the exercises but I  still did everything else. Man, the floor jumps and leg raises killed me today. I've been miserable all day too. Sticking to the plan food wise isn't a problem but a glass or 2 of vino wouldn't go amiss. Off to see Kylie tonight - will it be the same as last time we went??  Without my dutch courage I probably will stand with my hands in pockets all night.


  1. Enjoy Kylies. SHe's coming to SA soon, so will be interested to hear what you think of the show... Shame for your ankle. Get well soon !

  2. Oh my Puck! Just looked at your photos and that bikini's starting to look too big! Well done as the changes are great.

  3. I was an idiot and carried on skipping despite the pain, which was a big mistake and only made the problem worse, so you've done the right thing. You've lost a ton of weight and are looking great, so don't fret.

    And I worked out that I wasn't engaging my gluts at all when skipping and my knees and ankles were like jelly. Rest and then when you get back to it, do check out your form. It makes a big difference to me if I engage my gluts as I have more control over my knees and ankles.
