Friday 29 July 2011

Day 59

So, update from Bali. Up early yesterday to do the workout before leaving for the airport. The skipping was supposed to be done when we arrived but never happened. Stayed pretty much PCP food wise as we packed our own for the plane. Went a bit off piste in the evening with the G&Ts. Oops. Started today off with the workout and skipping before breakfast which considering my mouth was a bit like the bottom of a budgies cage shows some dedication. Hotel breakfasts for me normally involve a lot of food, especially the pastry kind! There I was in my gym kit at the salad bar - I'm a changed person! Well for now....
After a day at the beach we took the kids back to the hotel and we thought we should really do the 8 min abs while the kids were busy watching tv. The little one wandered in half way through to watch us and started saying skweeese, skweeese, tummy, tummy. We laughed so much we had to stop. Can't say we are having an apple & egg white for evening meal but we are swerving the carbs and just having grilled fish and veg. And gin...


  1. The gin is medicinal right? Or is that the tonic for the protection from the mozzies?

    In any case, have a sensational holiday!!

  2. Mozzie protection definitely. And I can attest to the fact that whilst it is nice and cool (middle of the Bali winter) there are tonnes of mozzies.

    I would love to be able to do a tandem 8MA, but alas I just get the "you are doing so well" from the peanut gallery.

    Have a lovely time chilling.
