Sunday 10 July 2011

Day 40 Things can only get better

And they did!  8am and I was in the pool. Didn't even have a cup of tea before I left home. Unheard of!!! Skipping is off the menu for a few days with my knee and ankle but swimming is a nice change. Although 30 mins of going up and down the pool seems more like an hour. Just finished the workout and did my plank in ONE GO!!!! I think my day off yesterday was enough to recharge my batteries and enthusiasm.  We were a little bit naughty at lunchtime. We had the biscotti that came with our coffees - and I dipped it in the nutella on No 1 sons dessert. Still we had a salad for lunch, which, for us, in Pizza Express is a complete first. Thats my 4th slip...they are very small ones when they happen but I am aware I'm letting the  Pucksters down. Sorry.  Positives for the day are that I went out in a pair of little shorts for the 1st time in years - probably wasnt so nice for everyone else I admit - veins still need to be done at Bumrungrad. Weighed in this morning at 53kgs and thats better than my pre children weight. I was probably 11 the last time I weighed this little. Shop, shop, shop, shop, shopping.......
Oh and another positive - Pete binned half his wardrobe..AT LAST!


  1. Your legs are looking really toned Mandy.

    Big change since your week 1 photo. I am sure the little shorts looked great on you.

    Great going.

    ooh nutella. I have banned it from my house as I just can't not eat it with a spoon.

  2. Wow Mandy, the latest photo's look amazing. It must be so great to see such a change and well done to you. I too binned loads from my wardrobe as it now all way too big. Sadly when looking at my photo's it still all looks the same. Who knows but hopefully day 40 to 60 will bring better luck. Bloody well done on your progress. Keep it up!
