Monday 25 July 2011

Day 55 & 56

No blog yesterday and thats because I had nothing to put. Thats right, no skipping and no workout. We are temporarily moving out and I had a whole heap of stuff to sort so that took up my entire day. The intention to workout was always there but at 10pm I conceded it wasn't happening and went off to bed. So now its the wee hours of the start of Day 56  and I'm wide awake. 4am in fact and I'm not sure if the churning of my stomach is a) the stress of moving out this morning for 48 hours b) the guilt of not working out yesterday or c) the packet of chocolate buttons I ate in 30 seconds flat yesterday so no-one would catch me.  Maybe all 3. All I know is, is I have my gym kit on and I'm about to something that I have NEVER done before and will make Pete laugh when he reads this later. I'm about to sneak out in the dark and find somewhere to skip ( cant wake the kids up by bouncing around in here) and do as much of yesterdays workout as poss. Wish me luck!

5am update - Finished the skipping much to the bemusement of 2 security guards. The last few days its been in the 30s here so it was nice to go out and find it was breezy and cool this time of the morning. UNTIL I STARTED SKIPPING!!!!!!!!!!! Must have a lost a few pounds in sweat but cant get on the scales as everyone is still asleep and I'm stuck in 1 spot writing to you lot to relieve my boredom.


  1. As I may have blogged just the once or twice, CHOCOLATE IS INNOCENT! And 5am- well done you, you did the skipping!

  2. Why do you have to move out for 48 hours?

    Good for you on skipping this morning. I was up at that time too but with a baby with the squirts. No way I can skip at that time of the day.

  3. Seriously 5 Am...awesome..i try my best but could not do it for more than 3 times
