Saturday 2 July 2011

Day 32 Saved by Kylie

So there we are, on the ferry, on our way to Kylie. Veggies in my handbag, sipping on a perrier. The conversation between us was how much nicer the evening would have been with a glass of wine and how our enthusiasm has ebbed. If there had been a bar on the ferry I might have given in at that point and had one and then the queue at the concert bar was so big that even if I WAS drinking I'd have passed. HOWEVER, the concert rocked and the dancers - male & female - were so amazing that it gave us a new enthusiasm for looking good. It certainly showed us we still have miles to go :)
Managed to skip today, with ankle strap on and one on my knee from an old injury ( torn ACL at Xmas) - I deserve extra brownie points because if you could see the size of the blisters on my feet from last night you would wince. Walking from Wanchai to the DB ferry in 5 inch heels - not a good idea but there wasn't a cab for love nor money. Took 35 mins so I dont feel bad about missing the skipping yesterday I can tell you. Pete suggested I take my shoes off....we were walking through a bloody building site at the time!  


  1. Would love to see Kylie. She was out here in Tokyo not so long ago but I wasn't able to get to the dinner where she was appearing.

  2. Wow, 5 inch heals walking through Wanchai. That is a superhuman feat! We saw Katy Perry recently. She also rocks. It is inspiring to see everyone on stage...... makes me wish I had gone through with my childhood dream to be a backup dancer on the Andy Williams show!

  3. I wanted to be a Janet Jackson back up dancer! I think I still know most of the moves from Rhythm Nation. I say walking in 5 inch heels is a fair trade for skipping. "Good on ya!"

  4. 5 inch heels through a construction site... hell yeah. You are a trooper. Kim, take note!
