Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day 36 The log blog

Kim, you'll love this.
So, its Wednesday and that means its weigh in time. I was hugely disappointed to see that I have GAINED weight. Only 0.3kg but still. The little voice in my head says "Its ok, its because you're getting fitter and muscle weighs more than fat" and the other little voice says "Its because you ate that chocolate coin...."
I then take No.1 son to summer school and pop to the supermarket moaning on the phone to Pete that I gained weight. I get home, have my fruit snack and promise myself after my coffee I will workout. THEN, I feel a little rumble....and had a dump of such epic proportions that I had to weigh myself after ( get away, we've all done it...) and here's the thing. After a cup of tea, 2 slices of toast, an avocado, fried egg,a coffee and a banana, egg white, no workout, big dump..... I come in half a kilo lighter than this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too much info??????????


  1. Ok ... I am naming your team of fellow PCPers "Team Log" ... I have added it up and between Noel and Pete and now you too Mandy ... 1 in 3 posts are about having a dump? Yikes!

  2. Mandy! Welcome to the club! I had such a big poo this morning I weighted myself immediately afterwards! I was tempted to call Richard in to look at it but I resisted. My scale isn't precise enough to tell me more than full pounds but I'm pretty sure I'm lighter. I feel like I am! Tell Pete to man up, he's just jealous.

  3. Would you call this your "crowning" achievement?

  4. Crikey!! That is impressive.

    This team is all about the poo.

    But when reading Petes blog it sounds like your scales like to play with your head.

  5. I'd say too little info. How was your emotional state after The Dump Royale? Did you shed a tear of pained joy? Was it a floater or was it sinker - and was it a stinker like the arse of a tinker? I feel we're just getting started on this momentous movement.
