Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 49

Why is it on Tuesdays I'm always so knackered?? My skipping was crap too. Was 53.1kgs this morning so hoping for a 52 figure tomorrow for my official weigh in, ALTHOUGH with the indulgence upon us I thought I'd sneak a bit of the contraband choccie and now worried it might bugger that up. We go on holiday next week to Bali so we agreed to save our indulgence until then ( minus a mini Crunchie) - can I wait????

And the answer to that is no. I just had some Cadburys from the UK and it was fantabulous. Now I want more................


  1. There is a Fry's Turkish Delight with my name on it in the cupboard too. But I think my indulgence will be brunch this weekend.

    I think Conny is off to Bali next week too.

  2. Where will you be in Bali. I am headng there with the kids on the 25th, Fraser arrives 29th. Staying in Seminyak.

  3. You're knackered cos this is fkcing knackering! And just remember:


  4. MMMMMMMMM Crunchie (drooling)
