Thursday 4 August 2011

Day ???

Still on holiday hence no idea of what day I am on as not using t'internet much and being guided by Pete as to exercises. Everything was going fairly well up until yesterday. Skipping and workouts all being done by both of us in the mornings before breakfast without exception. Yesterday I thought I felt a twinge on the davinicis - not the first time - and by the afternoon my back and neck felt tight and sore so stupidly I got a massage on the beach. Fast forward a couple of hours and I couldn't move my neck. It's an old injury that rears it's head every now and then and is only solved by anti inflams and seeing the physio. Thankfully I don't go on hol without the tablets but no chance in he'll in getting a Physio appt. needless to say today's workout and skipping did not happen for me in the usual fashion. Instead I made my own up, a nice big swim which actually gave me some movement back in my neck and then lunges, squats and leg raises as they were the only things I could think of which didn't use my upper body. Fingers crossed for tomorrow although my legs and arse need the extra leg work anyway so not too bothered. Food good at breakfast and lunch. No carbs in the evening meal and sticking to seafood but dessert has crept in and i HAVE to keep my gin intake up in the evening or I'll get mozzie bites from the lack of quinine...won't I Tracey ;)
No time to read everyone blogs but hope you are all enjoying the new evening meal.


  1. Absolutely true about the quinine in the tonic.... but I think it is for when you actually have malaria rather than prevention of mozzie bites. For that, just liberally douse yourself in Arac or Ouzo (the mozzies can't stand the smell either).

    Take care of the neck and enjoy the beach.

    I am off to the beach from the 14th so I am taking notes from you.

  2. Oh no Mandy, and on holiday too! Can understand the necessity for gin. Good on you re working out and food as much as you are able to. I am finding it very difficult myself... a very nice restaurant every single night! Since we are here with friends hard to say, "sorry I am going to sit in the villa with my steamed veggies". Gado gado is my life-saver though. Severely internet challenged though!

  3. Sorry for your injury. Hope it doesn't demotivate you as much as mine did me.... glad the holiday has been awesome and impressed you and Pete are so diligent with your exercises each morning. am sure your kids are so used to your skipping by now that they barely notice. your photos look fantastic. so much congrats !! the end is in sight....

  4. I hope your injury heals quickly. I hear shots of whiskey dull pain :O)
