Monday 15 August 2011

Day 76

Sorry everyone for my lack of support and comments over the last few weeks. Wasn't easy to do so on holiday and then coming home to find we have sold our home and have to move in 10 days time hasn't left me with a great deal of time. Fitting the workout in is a challenge. Its taking me soooo long. I enjoy the skipping, don't mind that at all, headphones on and I can skip, skip, skip but the rest of it...HATE IT!! SO in 2 weeks, no PCP and a new home. Bring it on.....


  1. You'll get all the upper body work you need lifting all those moving boxes! You'll be so strong you and Pete won't even need to hire movers.

  2. Good luck with the move Mandy. And thank you for your comment.... they never show up but I get the e-mail alert. Yes, Bali was really lovely. Hopefully not a distant memory for you. Try and do what you can. I agree.... it is all taking a lot longer and on top of that I have an extra 30 min cardio. Not that I am that busy as school hasn't started yet, but seem to have spent the summer running around like a blue arsed fly.

  3. Conny - Mandy's comments are probably in your blog spam filter. Just go to the comments section in your dashboard and approve them as "not spam". Then they will show on your blog.

    I am starting to get into the workouts more. Before I was just doing them but now I am trying to figure out the best way to get burn. I really time the rest periods between sets as I was wasting so much time and the workout was taking me ages. Now I can have it all done in 30 minutes.
