Tuesday 9 August 2011


Official weigh in day today. Jumped on the scales this morning....55.8kgs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a very big whoops. I was 52kgs the day I went on holiday. I cant begin to tell you how much I hate myself for it. Still back on it today BIG TIME.  Weekly photo day today too :(  


  1. I bet that weight is from salt and alcohol it will probably melt right off once you get back to training every day. 20 more days! Push it!

  2. Ditto what Kim said.

    Let the fluid retention from the flights dissipate before you get too disheartened.

  3. Dont worry about it at all. You will be amazed at how quickly it will fly off and you will be back within your normal range within a few days. Flying does all sorts of funny things to your body and messes with your hydration levels. Trust me, give it 48 hours and then jump on the scales and they will be your friend again. Also, life is for living and how boring if you went away on holiday and didn't have fun. Life's too short...


  4. Bali, G&Ts etc will all have worked their way out once you get back on track. I am now scared to weigh myself and have been practicing the sucking in air and letting it all out in the mirror for the past few days to psych myself up for when I get home to my camera as I am not sure that I haven't gone backwards since my last picture. So you are not alone. I cried last week and wailed at hubbie about the fact that of the 90 days of PCP I have been away from my home base for 5 weeks of it, with all the strain that that puts on how well you can stick to the diet. You'll get back on an even keel now that you are home.
