Friday 19 August 2011

Day 80

Whooo I am knackered. Had a full day shopping in Shenzhen ( need curtains for the new pad)  which the HK girls will know is full on, so had to get up early to do the workout as I knew I wouldn't be up for it when I got home. Thankfully almost back on track weight wise to where I was pre Bali so feeling better about that. Nearly killed myself on the tricep dips today - taking yourself to failure when you are suspended between 2 chairs is actually a bit dodgy for when you have to get off them. I sort of just collapsed onto the floor. Bit like when I'm drunk. Wishful thinking at the mo.....

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh Shenzhen shopping day, how exciting, but absolutely exhausting. Tricep dips.. yep I fell off the chair too, so you are not alone there. And MANY, MANY congratulations on the weight. I know that is a huge psychological hurdle. Hopefully that will make you feel better. Plus jsut think, now you have your curtains done!
