Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 78

Another diet sheet and I have 50g of carbs to add to my evening meal. 5 weeks ago I would have been ecstatic but now I'm thinking Patrick doesn't like me and doesn't want to help me shift my extra 2kgs. So, sorry about this Patrick, I'm sticking to my carb free evenings. Thank the Lord that the egg white snacks are gone. I was seriously struggling to keep them down towards the end and I was always an egg lover before. I think I'm going to have to take a leaf out of Traceys book and time my rests in-between the workouts as they definitely are taking up too much time and as you know, I'm a bit short of that at moment. Hating myself for falling off the wagon with holiday as I was doing so well, and now feel I'm back where I started. Still, with only 11 more days to go I am determined to finish and do it properly. Positive mental attitude. For now. See how I feel tomorrow morning....


  1. Scream! Look at your day 1 and then your day 78. What a change and I'm not just talking about the bikini! Well done, pictures say 1000 words. Good on you!

  2. I know how you eel Mandy and it is so hard to get out of it. It is easy to say move one, but moving on itself is hard because it is all getting harder. Didn't help me when my personal trainer said I needed to stay on my restrictive diet for about a year to make sure that all the imbalances in my body are gone. It is also very hard not to stress about a house move. If you are like me you stress about it before, during and after! Hope that you can take each day as it comes.

  3. Don't worry, you are NOT back where you started!! Patrick said we need the extra carbs so that our body doesn't burn muscle. I'd check with him directly before messing with your diet. The workouts are a harder now so you might really need those extra carbs especially with the move and all. Chin up you're doing great!

  4. A picture does indeed tell a 100 words. Look at your day 1 photo for proof.

    As for the timing between sets, it makes you realise how short 20 seconds actually is. I thought I was being good about rest times UNTIL I started to time them and realised I was probably wasting around 20 minutes or so. I was really shocked.

    I just use the stopwatch on my iphone so easy to do.
