Monday 8 August 2011

Day 69 I think...

Going home today and I'm not looking forward to the official weigh in Wednesday. been 2 weeks since I was on the scales and it ain't gonna be pretty. Neck & shoulder still giving me gip so workouts are a mishmash of what I should be doing and the things I put in for what I can't. Hopefully getting home I can see the Physio. Looking forward to some plain food as all fooded out now. Got 3 weeks to try and turn around the crapness of holiday. Bring it on.......


  1. But did you have a great holiday or what? Details please for us poor saps living variously through your travels.

  2. As long as it was a god holiday! Anyway, even though you went off piste with the food, I'll bet you were still mindful not to just eat/drink any old amount of any old crap (which I know is what I traditionally do on holiday).

    And now the food is less plain! I'm having to cook for dinner etc. Shocking!

    Welcome back.
