Friday 29 July 2011

Day 59

So, update from Bali. Up early yesterday to do the workout before leaving for the airport. The skipping was supposed to be done when we arrived but never happened. Stayed pretty much PCP food wise as we packed our own for the plane. Went a bit off piste in the evening with the G&Ts. Oops. Started today off with the workout and skipping before breakfast which considering my mouth was a bit like the bottom of a budgies cage shows some dedication. Hotel breakfasts for me normally involve a lot of food, especially the pastry kind! There I was in my gym kit at the salad bar - I'm a changed person! Well for now....
After a day at the beach we took the kids back to the hotel and we thought we should really do the 8 min abs while the kids were busy watching tv. The little one wandered in half way through to watch us and started saying skweeese, skweeese, tummy, tummy. We laughed so much we had to stop. Can't say we are having an apple & egg white for evening meal but we are swerving the carbs and just having grilled fish and veg. And gin...

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 57

Another busy day. Flying to Bali tomorrow so unpacking from our upheaval yesterday and repacking for tomorrow. Dropped No.2 son at summer school and then had 30 mins until my pedicure appointment ( its a hard life!) so took my skipping rope along and found a quiet corner to get on with it. What I didn't realise is that a bunch of workmen had turned up behind me - they probably thought I was mad, I got a few looks from passers by but I didnt care as I just wanted it out of the way. Workout didnt happen until 5pm which was tough mentally - especially the poxy lunges. Need to get up super early and do tomorrows exercises before we leave as I dont fancy having to do them when we get there. I was all for not doing it at all but Pete wont let me :(

Official weigh in day 52.1kgs. Photos later.

Monday 25 July 2011

Day 55 & 56

No blog yesterday and thats because I had nothing to put. Thats right, no skipping and no workout. We are temporarily moving out and I had a whole heap of stuff to sort so that took up my entire day. The intention to workout was always there but at 10pm I conceded it wasn't happening and went off to bed. So now its the wee hours of the start of Day 56  and I'm wide awake. 4am in fact and I'm not sure if the churning of my stomach is a) the stress of moving out this morning for 48 hours b) the guilt of not working out yesterday or c) the packet of chocolate buttons I ate in 30 seconds flat yesterday so no-one would catch me.  Maybe all 3. All I know is, is I have my gym kit on and I'm about to something that I have NEVER done before and will make Pete laugh when he reads this later. I'm about to sneak out in the dark and find somewhere to skip ( cant wake the kids up by bouncing around in here) and do as much of yesterdays workout as poss. Wish me luck!

5am update - Finished the skipping much to the bemusement of 2 security guards. The last few days its been in the 30s here so it was nice to go out and find it was breezy and cool this time of the morning. UNTIL I STARTED SKIPPING!!!!!!!!!!! Must have a lost a few pounds in sweat but cant get on the scales as everyone is still asleep and I'm stuck in 1 spot writing to you lot to relieve my boredom.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Day 54 Smug Sunday

Its 9am and I have already finished working out ( although still to skip but I dont mind that bit!) and had my breakfast. A different scenario from yesterday where I started with skipping at 11 and finished the workout at 1pm! I was definitely not in the mood yesterday and procrastinated throughout.  Its a gorgeous day and we are off to the pool with the kids. A good nights sleep seems to have made all the difference although No.1 son needs to learn to lie in - he came and woke us up at 5am!! Probably why I'm all finished by 9

Day 53

Knackered. Too much to do in general and in the workout. It took me forever today.  Insomnia started up again. Hoping for a better nights sleep tonight. Sorry for boring blog and no comments to others but I'm just too tired.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Day 52

Oops forgot to blog yesterday. Nothing to exciting to say anyway. What a CRAP morning. Started with the TV blowing up ( waaaaaay too much use) and opened the workout to find pull ups 1st up on the list. And how many???!!!! By the time I had done 2 sets of the double katanas I was a wobbly mess. I HATED working out today. It was the most teeth gritted JFD day. And I ran out of time to skip so have that still to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 50

So looks like things are going to be a bit tough exercise wise this week looking at whats to come. I dont normally look and live in blissful ignorance day by day. Today wasn't too bad - Davincis aside. Thanks for the extra egg white for after my workout Patrick, like I dont eat enough eggs as it is!! Had a dodgy tummy this morning ( been a long time since we discussed our poo ) - must have been the 22g of chocolate I had last night ( well, thats Patrick will say). Do I care - no I do not. I will put up with that if it means chocolate can come back into my life. So 116 calories gone from my indulgence.

Official weigh in day - 53kg on the button. Boo hiss. I was hoping for a 52.something. Still, its 4.5kgs loss since we started. Its just past lunchtime and I'm STARVING. My yogurt this afternoon wont do the trick I'm sure. I've had a LOT of coffee today. Had to switch to decaf before I murder the kids.

Day 49

Why is it on Tuesdays I'm always so knackered?? My skipping was crap too. Was 53.1kgs this morning so hoping for a 52 figure tomorrow for my official weigh in, ALTHOUGH with the indulgence upon us I thought I'd sneak a bit of the contraband choccie and now worried it might bugger that up. We go on holiday next week to Bali so we agreed to save our indulgence until then ( minus a mini Crunchie) - can I wait????

And the answer to that is no. I just had some Cadburys from the UK and it was fantabulous. Now I want more................

Monday 18 July 2011

Day 48

Todays workout wasn't so bad. I seem to find Mondays workouts my favourite of the week - maybe its because I know Tues is only skipping. No skipping for me today so off I went for a swim. Its annoying because with skipping, 3 x 12" remixes on the Ipod and I'm done. Swimming, I'm up and down the pool thinking 'Ok, enough now' and look at the clock to find I still have 25 minutes to go. Anyway, it was stinking hot and muggy today so the swim was at least a bit refreshing. And thats another boring blog from me.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Day 47

Absolutely cream crackered. Insomnia struck last night and I didn't get much sleep. Think I managed to pull something yesterday doing the Davincis. Was a good enough excuse not to do the pull ups today. Boring blog but just too tired to think of anything witty. Sorry.

Friday 15 July 2011

Day 46

I feel that I have reached the top of the mountain and am now on the descent to the finish line. Got the workout and skipping out of the way in the morning and am SO glad that I know there isn't nothing else to do. Well, not strictly speaking true because Pete has roped me into doing 8 min abs and thats my Saturday night treat. Woohoo. It was my Friday night treat too.....I REALLY need an indulgence night soon as fed up staying home in my pjs watching tv.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Day 45 with 45 days to go....

Maybe its because we are now half way through, or a new record low weight for me today, or the new bikini...whatever it is I definitely feel more like my old PCP self in working out. For the last few weeks I've been putting it off until the last minute which I know makes it 10 times worse. Don't get the wrong impression - its not like I enjoy it or anything! Only 45 days to go........

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day 44

After 5 hours sleep, today was definitely a JFD morning when it came to the workout. Most bizarrely I had some pineapple for my morning snack and it tasted exactly like Pina Colada. I'm starting to hallucinate about alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 43

9pm and I've just remembered I haven't skipped today. Guess what I'm about to go and do.....

Monday 11 July 2011

Day 41

Boring blog. Workout and swim all completed this morning. Still no skipping for me. For some reason I have been starvin' this evening so I even enjoyed my plain yogurt. Probably overstating it saying 'enjoyed' but I made sure I scraped every available bit out of the pot. Busy day so going to bed knackered and hungry :(

Sunday 10 July 2011

Day 40 Things can only get better

And they did!  8am and I was in the pool. Didn't even have a cup of tea before I left home. Unheard of!!! Skipping is off the menu for a few days with my knee and ankle but swimming is a nice change. Although 30 mins of going up and down the pool seems more like an hour. Just finished the workout and did my plank in ONE GO!!!! I think my day off yesterday was enough to recharge my batteries and enthusiasm.  We were a little bit naughty at lunchtime. We had the biscotti that came with our coffees - and I dipped it in the nutella on No 1 sons dessert. Still we had a salad for lunch, which, for us, in Pizza Express is a complete first. Thats my 4th slip...they are very small ones when they happen but I am aware I'm letting the  Pucksters down. Sorry.  Positives for the day are that I went out in a pair of little shorts for the 1st time in years - probably wasnt so nice for everyone else I admit - veins still need to be done at Bumrungrad. Weighed in this morning at 53kgs and thats better than my pre children weight. I was probably 11 the last time I weighed this little. Shop, shop, shop, shop, shopping.......
Oh and another positive - Pete binned half his wardrobe..AT LAST!

Saturday 9 July 2011

Day 39 whinge blog

Couldn't skip yesterday although managed the workout eventually at 8.30pm. Today couldn't workout but did skip. Spent the next half hour with ice on my knee and ankle. Have not been feeling well since Thursday and think my body needs a rest.

Friday 8 July 2011

Day 38

Totally disheartened today. No energy at all. Cant be arsed with the exercise.  I was going to give it all a miss today and give myself a break but hey, its Friday night and 8pm and what else have I got to do?? SO, after this I'm going to do the exercises and eat my veg. Woohoo. Ate lunch out with my friend today and took my scales - how weird am I - ok, dont answer that. Beef fajitas if you want to know as its an easy thing to weigh. No 2 sons official birthday today so yet another birthday cake. And yes, I caved in and had a slice....if I didn't tell you, Pete probably would.  It was made with mango ice cream...mmmmmmmm. It was worth the shit I'll get from Patrick. So to date, 2 pieces of birthday cake and a chocolate coin. OK PETE!!!!!!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Day 37

Not sure whats going on today but I've felt weak and tired all day. Workout was incredibly halfhearted. Couldnt skip because of my ankle so swam instead. After all the shoulder stuff in the workout, half an hour of swimming just about finished me off. No.1 son been sick today - threw up all over the tennis court in his lesson which was a tad embarrassing - and then managed a spectacular one into the bath that he was sharing with his little brother. Put me off my dinner....well my apple and egg white...cant exactly call that dinner.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day 36 The log blog

Kim, you'll love this.
So, its Wednesday and that means its weigh in time. I was hugely disappointed to see that I have GAINED weight. Only 0.3kg but still. The little voice in my head says "Its ok, its because you're getting fitter and muscle weighs more than fat" and the other little voice says "Its because you ate that chocolate coin...."
I then take No.1 son to summer school and pop to the supermarket moaning on the phone to Pete that I gained weight. I get home, have my fruit snack and promise myself after my coffee I will workout. THEN, I feel a little rumble....and had a dump of such epic proportions that I had to weigh myself after ( get away, we've all done it...) and here's the thing. After a cup of tea, 2 slices of toast, an avocado, fried egg,a coffee and a banana, egg white, no workout, big dump..... I come in half a kilo lighter than this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too much info??????????

Day 35

1400 skips with only 3 trips. I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! Now my ankle is REALLY hurting. Didn't feel too bad at the time. Maybe it was all the walking round the shops today that made it worse. In case you think I have caught a big dose of Petes smugness I would like to say its more the fact I was worried I was never going to get my skipping back on track. Think tomorrow will be a nightmare again. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Monday 4 July 2011

Day 34

Zipped through the workout and enjoyed it, well, until I got to the leg raises. No pull ups, no push ups - yaaay!
I CANNOT believe that Pete grassed me up on his blog about me eating the chocolate coin. I'd manage to block that out..
No skipping again today - thats twice now - as my sore ankle is now a sore foot and getting worse. I'm hoping some rest will sort it. I did mean to have a swim this afternoon instead but the supermarket run and a sick child put paid to that.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 33

Hot day. Want a drink. Beer/wine/G&T/meths...anything....
Glad I did my workout this morning but just remembered I didnt skip so still have that to do. Bummer.
Went to the pool with the kids and my bikini is too big. You think I am doing PCP to get fit...I did it to buy a new wardrobe...

Saturday 2 July 2011

Day 32 Saved by Kylie

So there we are, on the ferry, on our way to Kylie. Veggies in my handbag, sipping on a perrier. The conversation between us was how much nicer the evening would have been with a glass of wine and how our enthusiasm has ebbed. If there had been a bar on the ferry I might have given in at that point and had one and then the queue at the concert bar was so big that even if I WAS drinking I'd have passed. HOWEVER, the concert rocked and the dancers - male & female - were so amazing that it gave us a new enthusiasm for looking good. It certainly showed us we still have miles to go :)
Managed to skip today, with ankle strap on and one on my knee from an old injury ( torn ACL at Xmas) - I deserve extra brownie points because if you could see the size of the blisters on my feet from last night you would wince. Walking from Wanchai to the DB ferry in 5 inch heels - not a good idea but there wasn't a cab for love nor money. Took 35 mins so I dont feel bad about missing the skipping yesterday I can tell you. Pete suggested I take my shoes off....we were walking through a bloody building site at the time!  

Friday 1 July 2011

Day 31

So with my ankle strapped I decided not to skip today. Its the 1st time I've missed any of the exercises but I  still did everything else. Man, the floor jumps and leg raises killed me today. I've been miserable all day too. Sticking to the plan food wise isn't a problem but a glass or 2 of vino wouldn't go amiss. Off to see Kylie tonight - will it be the same as last time we went??  Without my dutch courage I probably will stand with my hands in pockets all night.