Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 90(ish) The Final Post

I cannot believe its all over. Its been one hell of a journey - sometimes good and sometimes bad. I've certainly learnt to make better food choices but must confess that alcohol has been more than welcome back into my life these last few days. Maybe I need to sign up for AA next...
Today, which is officially Day 92, I went and had my body measured at the gym which I did the day before we started. In some ways I was a wee bit disappointed with myself because my foot definitely slipped off the metal towards the end what with holiday and then moving so I know the results could have been better.  To be honest I have no idea what most of it means but here's some of the stats.

                                             Before                  Now

Weight                                57.2kg                   53.4kg

Body Fat Mass                    14.6kg                   10.9kg

BMI                                     22.2                       20.9

Percentage Body Fat            25.4                       20.3

Visceral Fat                          70.5                       18.7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a load of that!!!!!!!!



Looking at the photos you would not believe how much in denial I was about my body before I started. I thought because of my BMI I was doing ok. Obviously NOT!!! So, I turn 40 in a couple of months, my body is at its best probably ever, and for the first time there are lots of photos of me on holiday with the kids - before I would delete, delete, delete.
A big congrats and thanks all round to the Pucksters - I include Connie, Tracey and Ines as honorary Pucks - without all your blogs I would have been hugely unmotivated some days. Patrick, this program is the nuts. Anyone reading this and thinking of joining up - JFD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big thanks to Jasper and Bill who motivated Pete to do PCP and drag me along for the ride. I've known Pete for 18 years and this is the 1st time I have ever known him to be thin - he's looking HOT and I know he is disappointed with stopping a few days early but I am in awe of his dedication, getting up at 5am to workout at home AND on holiday. He definitely rocked it. OH YEAH. And now I get to take him SHOPPING.......

Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 88

I'm SO sorry guys, but my PCP seems to have ended a little prematurely. I've not skipped since Thurs and haven't done the workout since Monday. I have been doing my best to stick to the diet - I don't have a problem with that at all - although the Mothers Ruin (gin) has lured me back again. On the upside my weight seems to have stabilized as I haven't stopped humping boxes and furniture about for days so getting a good back and shoulder workout at least. So today is our first proper day in the new pad and the internet was put on in order for me to say WELL DONE everyone and keep up the good work for the next day or of your life...
I fully intend to use the diet as my template, keep up the skipping and incorporate some of the exercises into every day life. However I shall never again be doing creeps, floor jumps, Da Vincis or double katanas.
Its been an experience and a hugely positive one. I'm just a bit sad that my Day 90 pics wont look as good as they could have but when you gotta move, you gotta move. And actually I'm not sad..more miffed because I've become very vain ;)

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 85

Official weigh in day. 52.7kgs. I am super chuffed with that (even though I was 52kgs on the dot before Bali) as I haven't had the time to workout every day just recently.
Anyone with kids knows that you often fantasize about having a day at home on your own. Well, today I got one. And all I did was pack boxes :(  I'm absolutely knackered. I knew the workout was unlikely to happen today but I did envisage a skip at some point but the time just got away with me. Its 9pm and I suppose I could go and do it now.....but I'm having a G&T instead.
So, Day 1 (of 2) of moving tomorrow and its also little 'uns first day at his new kindy so we are off there in the morning - don't these people realize how busy I am???!! I don't have time to sit around in a classroom with playdoh...I have a workout and skipping to do AND bark orders at removal men. Tsk, tsk, tsk. The timing of all this is a nightmare.
Noel, be prepared, when you arrive in HK next Friday - I'm on a mission to get VERY drunk. Pete & Ines, you have been warned......
10PM UPDATE...  2 G&Ts later and I feel the need for some loud music so I pop on the Ipod and skip for 20 I'm just waiting for the sleeping tablet to kick innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday 22 August 2011

Day 84 Enough!!!!

Today started at 5.30 when both kids woke up. Great. Managed to get the big one off to school and pack the little one off on a play date so thought I will have lots of time to get on with Saturdays ( ahem) workout and skip, plus pack boxes and generally get a bit straighter. Who was I kidding??!! Both kids aircons have packed up this week and the chap couldnt fix them, as fast as I fill boxes someone seems to fill more cupboards with even more crap that I have no idea where its going in the new place, curtains haven't arrived and the man making our furniture seems to have forgotten what we have ordered. The PCP stuff...thats a piece of piss. Its real life I cant cope with.....

Day 83 All about Pete

If any of you read Petes blog today you will know what this is all about. Here is what Pete looks like from behind now he has shed his fat.

And another amusing thing...someone who has been away over the summer bumped into us over the weekend and then asked a good friend of ours if Pete had cancer.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best laugh I've had in ages.

Friday 19 August 2011

Day 80

Whooo I am knackered. Had a full day shopping in Shenzhen ( need curtains for the new pad)  which the HK girls will know is full on, so had to get up early to do the workout as I knew I wouldn't be up for it when I got home. Thankfully almost back on track weight wise to where I was pre Bali so feeling better about that. Nearly killed myself on the tricep dips today - taking yourself to failure when you are suspended between 2 chairs is actually a bit dodgy for when you have to get off them. I sort of just collapsed onto the floor. Bit like when I'm drunk. Wishful thinking at the mo.....

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 78

Another diet sheet and I have 50g of carbs to add to my evening meal. 5 weeks ago I would have been ecstatic but now I'm thinking Patrick doesn't like me and doesn't want to help me shift my extra 2kgs. So, sorry about this Patrick, I'm sticking to my carb free evenings. Thank the Lord that the egg white snacks are gone. I was seriously struggling to keep them down towards the end and I was always an egg lover before. I think I'm going to have to take a leaf out of Traceys book and time my rests in-between the workouts as they definitely are taking up too much time and as you know, I'm a bit short of that at moment. Hating myself for falling off the wagon with holiday as I was doing so well, and now feel I'm back where I started. Still, with only 11 more days to go I am determined to finish and do it properly. Positive mental attitude. For now. See how I feel tomorrow morning....